Sunday, April 05, 2015

Photo a Day 69 - Regrowth

Off my blogging again. This time I have an excuse though. Have been in bed with a very nasty cold/flu - not sure which. Very heavy chest and painful when I cough. I did get up today and pottered around, but am now ready to drop.

Last weekend we went for a drive and checked out the areas where the bushfire had been earlier this year. It still looks devastated, but there are signs of regrowth appearing on the trees. Luckily our Eucalypts have an amazing ability to rise from the ashes.

These are South Australian Blue Gums, so-called for their new blue growth. Their correct name is Eucalyptus leucoxylon.

It is comforting to know that these beautiful trees will grow again and provide a habitat for so many species of wildlife.

Liz Needle


  1. Hi Liz Sorry to hear you are not too well. Yes I have a Eucalyptus called Gunnii which you can keep cutting down adn it sprouts up again with lovely round leaves. it never has to grow to tall.

  2. they're beautiful! so glad they're rejuvenating. i hope you can, too!

  3. Those are beautiful. Hope you are up and about soon.
