Friday, March 06, 2015

Photo a Day 61 - Flowers

More Australian native flowers today for Floral Friday Fotos  and Today's Flowers..

This first one is a bottlebrush - the common name for several species including Callistemon . This one is Callistemon pallidus.

This little daisy is an Olearia, but I am not sure which of the 100 plus varieties it is. It is very hardy and easy to grow - hard to kill in fact. Grows to about 2 metres.

This beauty is one of our flowering Eucalyptus trees. They come in a range of glorious colours from cream through pink, orange, scarlet and crimson. The trees are long lived and grow to 30 metres. The one in our garden was a large tree when we moved in 43 years ago.

The trees in full flower are quite spectacular.

Liz Needle  -  linking with "Floral Friday Fotos"  and  "Today's Flowers".


  1. That was a lot of beautiful pictures. And your olearia is very special.

  2. Oh, my goodness....the eucalyptus is beautiful!

  3. Beautiful! The eucalyptus flowers are stunning.

  4. Delightful shots, Liz! We are so lucky down in the South of Australia with so many flowers blooming year-round.
    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!
