I have just been adding lists to my blog. Books and authors. I thought it would be an easy task, but I found it really difficult. Who and what to put on - who and what to leave out?
I read through my book diary - yes I do keep records: my friends think I am anal!! As I browsed I pondered how tastes in reading change. There are always some books and authors forever ingrained, but many of my favourite authors of yesteryear are forgotten - or tucked away in the dark recesses of my mind and only brought out and dusted when I spend time browsing in a second hand book shop.
On my bookshelf are many books that I devoured avidly when I was younger, but which I haven't touched for years. One of the problems is that there are so many good books around these days that one has a hard time keeping up with them, let alone re-reading past favourites.
My new resolution - I will not borrow/buy any new books until I have read some of those old ones that have previously given me so much pleasure.
I wonder how I will go? I'll keep you posted.