Friday, November 20, 2015

Photo a Day 178 - Good Fences

Spent a very pleasant afternoon lunching with friends in the Prospect Community Garden. This garden is a community affair and is operated and maintained by residents of the Adelaide suburb of Prospect. They have received a number of grants to set up the garden and raise funds to keep it going.

These delightful gates were designed  by local artist Cathy Brooks and erected by garden members.

And beyond the gates. Please excuse the dark corners I think I had my lens thingo on the wrong way.

Liz Needle - linking with "Good Fences".


  1. a neat place and a very cool gate! :)

  2. What beautiful gates with the curving iron slats, and the area behind them is whimsical and so pretty.

  3. an interesting gate and lovely place to visit

  4. Those gates are really pretty and perfect for a garden. - It's neat when communites have shared gardens like that one.

    Here is a link to my post if you haven't been by yet:

  5. I thought that the gate had been damaged until I saw there was an order to the madness, producing a pleasant effect!

  6. I love the gate and what is beyond it.
