Saturday, May 04, 2013

Skywatch Friday

A dawn shot this time. I usually miss these as the dawn colours disappear faster than I can stumble out of bed and find my shoes and camera. I ran down the gravel drive in bare feet to catch this one. Ouch!!

I love the dawn skies. The colours are softer than the sunset shots, I think.

Liz needle


  1. Beautiful shot Liz, worth getting up early for. You are right about the colours disappearing quickly. You have to ready with the camera when you spot a shot like this.

  2. Nice catch,a reward for being up early.

  3. Nice picture!
    Yyou're right, the colors at sunset are more .. warm and cozy!

  4. Sign of a true SkyWatch photoblogger - running down a gravel driveway barefoot to capture a sunrise shot!! :-) Of course it's not my feet that are punctured and bruised, but I'd have to say this photo was well worth every contusion! It's a gorgeous sky, and you're right - colors like this are fleeting indeed.

  5. oh, that was worth the gingerly steps! :)

  6. Dawn is a delight I seldom get to experience, and this one you captured is a real beauty! Thank you for sacrificing your tootsies to get it.
