Saturday, May 30, 2020

Sepia Saturday 522

I was really pleased to see the theme this week - one close to my heart. Gardening is in my blood and in the blood of my ancestors.  My great grandfather, a German botanist, came to Australia in 1851 and worked at the Melbourne Botanic Gardens as head plantsman and secretary to Ferdinand von Mueller, the Director of the gardens. E.B. Heyne drew up the plans for the Botanic Gardens.

He moved to Adelaide around 1860 and established a nursery and opened the first shop for seeds and plants in South  Australia. He wrote regular articles for the 'South Australian Register' about the cultivation of forest trees, forage plants and pasture grasses.

In 1871 he published "The Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Garden" a book which ran into four editions and was the first of its kind in South Australia. He was a prolific writer and secretary to the Vignerons Club where his contribution to the wine industry was publicly acknowledged.

His son, Carl, graduated from Roseworthy Agricultural College, then took over the management of the shop and nursery. He had nine children. Below are the four oldest in front of the original nursery. at William Street Norwood. My mother moved back to live in this house in 1956. The house is still there, but no longer in the family as my mother had to sell it when she moved into a nursing home.

Site of the nursery around 1911. My mother is on the left.

The family moved the nursery to Summertown in the Adelaide Hills, but later re- located to Beulah Park where the nursery is still situated, run by the fifth generation of the Heyne family.

Part of the nursery in the thirties at Beulah Park

My grandfather Carl and his van

My grandfather Carl (CF Heyne) and his son FW (Wally) Heyne

Wally and his wife Vera took over the nursery after the death of Carl in 1948 and the business passed on to his two younger sons, Roger and Gary and to their sons currently.

Heyne's Garden Centre and Wholesale nursery are flourishing under the fifth generation. Check out the link here.

Liz Needle  -  linking with "Sepia Saturday".

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Off With the Birds - Wattlebirds

This week's bird or birds are larger Honeyeaters, known as Wattlebirds. We have four wattlebirds in Australia, but only two here in South Australia. We are lucky enough to have them visit our garden on a regular basis. They are the largest of the honeyeaters and very aggressive towards the smaller varieties around food sources. 

Both species are nectar and insect eaters, inhabiting heathlands, shrubby forests, eucalypt forests, parks and gardens. Both are noisy with a variety of harsh calls. One of the Wattlebirds in our garden sounds like he is saying "woodpecker, woodpecker, wood", though my husband tells me I am imagining this.

Little Wattlebird - Anthochaera chrysoptera - is the one we see more of and is more aggressive and less shy than the other species we get. It has a dark brownish grey body streaked white and without 'wattles'. It does have a faint silvery cheek patch, pale blue-grey eyes and white tipped tail and wing feathers. Females are smaller, but similar.

Last year we watched in delight as a pair of lovers serenaded and danced on our balcony fence rail for several days.

Immature bird is paler and less streaked than the mature ones above.

The Red Wattlebird - Anthochaera caranculata is the largest mainland honeyeater.  It has large distinctive red wattles that lengthen and darken with age. It has a black head, silvery white face and yellow centre belly. They seem to be a lot shyer than the Little Wattlebird and we only see them very occasionally in the garden. The Red Wattlebird is common but nomadic, following the nectar flowers.

The only time I have ever seen a Red Wattlebird at the birdbath. He must have been very thirsty because he stayed a while.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sepia Saturday 521

Sepia Saturday this week is about cars and trophies and wherever else this picture takes you. For me it's cars - vintage and veteran cars. I love them.

Close to where we live is the Australian National Motor Museum and I have spent many hours wandering around admiring the myriad of beautiful vehicles. Each year they organise a Bay to Birdwood run when vintage and veteran cars from all over this state and others drive from Glenelg, a beachside suburb of Adelaide up into the Adelaide Hills to Birdwood, home of the museum some 40 plus kilometres away, up steep and winding roads. Some of the vehicles stall along the way, but a surprising number make it.

Several years ago Don and I made the journey in a thirties Oldsmobile owned by our daughter's partner. We felt very grand driving in this gracious old lady and waving regally to the many spectators along the way. Here is a selection of the cars that took part - converted to black and white in keeping with the Sepia Saturday theme.

The Oldsmobile we travelled in.

Model T Ford
Not sure what, but American I think
Had to put this one in colour - always dreamed of owning one.

Silver Jaguar - would have given an arm and a leg for this.

A Humber - my Dad drove one of these, but not this model

Austin 7

Morris Minor - remember these as a teenager. Often the first car we could afford in those days.

I could keep going, but would hate to bore you.  I hope you enjoyed mr selection of golden oldies.

Liz Needle  -  linking with "Sepia Saturday".

PS. I've added this one in colour because one of my readers wanted it in sunshine yellow. This is the actual colour.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Off With The Birds - New Holland Honeyeater

My bird for today is one of the very common ones that lives in my garden  -  New Holland Honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae).

These little fellows are very active, unafraid, aggressive towards other honeyeaters and very common in gardens and park.  I am get a lot of pleasure watching their antics in the garden and in flight.

The sexes are alike - mostly black and white streaked, with a bright yellow wing patch and white ringed eyes. They are mainly reliant on nectar, but do eat insects which they catch in mid-air  and are very protective of their feeding grounds. In our garden they like the Banksias, Grevilleas, Salvias and Agapanthus. They have a loud metallic high pitched call and other contact and alarm calls.

                                                      Drying in the sun.

                                                             Best of Friends

Liz Needle  -  linking with "Saturday Critters", "Our World Tuesday", "Wild Bird Wednesday" and "I'd Rather B Birding".

Friday, May 01, 2020

Off With the Birds - Grey Fantail

My bird for the day is another favourite - the Grey Fantail ( Rhipidura albiscapa). I really love the small birds that we have here, especially the ones that visit my garden.

Closely related to the Willy Wagtail  (Riphidura leucophrys), the Grey Fantail is found throughout Australia with subtle variations in different areas. They are active and restless, delighting onlookers with their athletic flight chasing after insects.

Their habitat is wide ranging, including open woodlands, parks and gardens. Both sexes are alike in appearance  while the immature birds are browner with buff head and wing markings.

They are playful and fearless and love playing in the birdbath.

Some years we have found them nesting in the camellia bushes.

Here is a video of a cheeky Fantail bamboozling a Re-browed Finch. I hope this works. I just got it downloaded (first time I have ever tried) then somehow I deleted it!!!

Liz Needle   -   linking with "Saturday Critters", "Our World Tuesday" and "Wild Bird Wednesday".

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Off with the Birds - Silvereye

Finally I am getting around to a project I have been meaning to start for ages. It's taken the boredom of this enforced isolation and a very a painful back from too much gardening to get me motivated.

Australia has an abundance of beautiful birds, most of which are only found in this island which separated from the rest of the world eons ago. I would like to share with you some of those birds which live in my part of Australia and which give me so much joy.

Today's offering is the Silvereye - Zosterops lateralis.  This pretty little bird is familiar and widespread with 9 generally similar Australian races.  They inhabit Eucalypt woodlands, coastal heaths, mallee, mangroves, parks and gardens all along the eastern and southern coast and Tasmania. Most of the southern varieties move northwards for winter. They are useful in the garden as they eat unwelcome insects as well as fruit and nectar. Their nest is a small tightly woven cup of fine grasses, hair and fine bark fibre bound with spider webs. They usually have 2- 4 pale blue eggs in a clutch. and can breed several times in good seasons.

The Silvereyes we get here are Race pinarochrous. Other races may have more olive plumage, white and yellow areas.

As you can see from my photos, they are friendly, gregarious fellows who love the birdbath.

 Silvereyes are not exclusive to Australia, they are also native to New Zealand and the South-west Pacific Islands.

Liz Needle  -  Linking with "Our World Tuesday" and " Wild Bird Wednesday".

Friday, January 24, 2020

Sepia Saturday 504

The theme for Sepia Saturday is all about childhood, children at play  and the things we used to play on. Looking through my old family photos, I did not come across much to fIt the theme exactly, but I found some interesting shots of children at play which I am happy to share.

 This first one - not very clear shows my uncle (in white on the right) with some of his school mates with a decorated goat cart. Taken around 1916, I would guess.

 Not from my family photos,but cute nevertheless.  Two little girls in a toy cart.

My English cousins with pony. Late thirties.

My cousins Glen and Roger taken around 1944.  Pedal cars were all the rage in my childhood.

Some of my many cousins visiting grandparents.  Taken in the early forties

Our street gang. Very few candid snaps in those days - children were always posed for photos. I'm on the right with missing front teeth. Circa 1946.

The gang again, but now expanding in numbers. Taken around 1950.

Finally a swing.  My brother and I  - he in his first school uniform. He was so proud of it, he wanted to wear it all the time. Circa 1949

Even big kids like swings!

Liz Needle - linking with Sepia Saturday.