Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Photo a Day 97 - Our World Tuesday

More shots from my visit to the zoo. One of the useful things I learnt in the photography course was how to make the cages disappear  -  not that I really wanted them to disappear for these shots.

These girls looked so regal and  unconcerned. 

This pretty little girl posed beautifully for the camera.

It almost looks like this has been photoshopped. The head just doesn't seem to fit with the body!

Liz Needle  -  linking with "Our World Tuesday".


  1. Wow, this is one incredible visit just from my own computer. You are right about that last shot, the head is like right off a kitty cat!

  2. Oh, I love that last! Not that I don't like the others, but that last one is such a great pic and such a pretty creature.

  3. I love the wild cats! Great shots!
