Friday, August 16, 2024


So long since I have added to this blog - about 18 months in fact. And since then there has been a life-chaging event in our lives - maybe not so life-changing as you might think, but certainly for us. Shortly after my last posting I had a phone call from a dear cousin of mine in Darwin. "Would I like a puppy?" And just like that, our life changed. Into our quiet, peaceful lives, came a little bundle of absolute joy! A three month old black and silver Miniature Schnauzer, called Jack, arrived by plane at 11.00pm. It was love at first sight! Or first "bite".
For the last 40 years we have had Jack Russells almost exclusively and we always swore that they were the only dogs for us - but Jack changed all our perceptions. He wriggled his way into our hearts and he brought so much life, humour and joy into our lives. He was so funny, so loving, so playful and so highly active. If dogs can be ADHD, then Jack is living proof of it. And we thought our Jack Russells were energetic!! From the first moment as soon as we set him free from his carry container he was on the go and kept going until he fell asleep. Even Alfie our old bitser took on a new lease of life and started playing like a puppy.
I cannot put into words how happy he has made us all. Mark (our son) even says he looks forward to coming home each night because Jack welcomes him with so much love and joy. Don spends hours watching the dogs play or sitting with a boy on each side of him while he dozes. I have taken to walking every day with the boys, mainly in an effort to wear Jack out a bit. Or working in the garden, with the boys helping with the digging or chasing rabbits while I work.

Thank you Dot for our boy. We love him so much.


  1. Wow! What a happy story, lovely to see you back Liz, cheers Pennie

  2. Hi Pennie, we are ever grateful to my lovely cousin. Jack has literally changed our lives - especially Mark.
