Monday, August 17, 2015

Photo a Day 115 - Monday Mellow Yellow

The daffodils are out at the moment, but because we have been having cold, miserable weather and nasty winds, they are finding it difficult to stay upright.  I am hoping for a few days aof sunshine so I can get out into the garden and tidy up the mess left by wind and rain.

These photos are older ones, taken with a small camera.

I never feel that my photos do the daffodils justice.  Yellow flowers always seem difficult to capture. Give me some fine weather and I'll try to do better.

Liz Needle  -  linking with "Monday Mellow Yellows".


  1. I think these are fine photos...but like you, I find it hard to do them justice.

  2. pretty photos. i do love daffs. thanks
    linking up for monday mellow yellow

  3. a wonderful dasj of yellow clour to brighten up any dreary day.
