Two posts in one day - unbelievable!!
Some time ago I fell in love with a quilt design I found quite by chance on the internet. It was a design by Jane Sassaman, using fabrics from her 'Paradise Garden' range. It really caught my eye, so on impulse, I sought out the required fabrics and duly bought them. Very excited when they arrived, but my excitement was somewhat dashed when I opened the packages. Not me at all. Bright, gaudy fabrics, exotic flowers and twining vines - not at all what I expected and looking not at all like the quilt I had fallen in love with. I put the fabric away and forgot about it.
Needing a new project thsese holidays, I pulled it all out and decided to give it a go. The pattern looked easy, large pieces, simple construction. Should get it done in a day.
Well, from the start, things just did not go right. First I had to make templates as every piece was fussy cut. And fussy cut out of fabric with a black background - oh, my poor eyes! And those colours - iridescent green, orange, pink, red - just not me. Busy, busy, busy!! I hated it. Nearly every edge a bias edge, twining vines everywhere that just didn't want to match up, pieces going in the wrong way, unpicking, unpicking, instructions that did not tell me enough and my husband helping by popping in and saying,"NO, that just isn't you."
Finally, finally, I had it together except for the last border - still not sure about that. And, blow me down, when I finally laid it on the floor and stood back, it happened! It came to life! It actually looked like the photo!! Close up - no, no, no. But at a distance, it wasn't too bad at all. And it's growing on me.
Maybe I will put on that last border and finish it off after all. It's still not me, but it is different, it was a challenge and I am quite pleased with the result. I should be able to find a home for it. What do you think.

Two main blocks. The colours are not good. The yellow background is really much more yellow

The quilt minus its final border. OK, OK, I'll do it.